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"A Church that Welcomes All"

Music Attached: "I Know A Man" by Rev. Dr. David E. Moore, Jr.
The Soaring Eagles Summer Enrichment Program
Mission: To provide opportunities for members of the church and community to enrichment and supplement their lives for success. Also, Soaring Eagles is a support network system to the local school system. To provide individual and small group instruction in academic curriculum.
Objective: to provide an opportunity for students of low socio-economic status from all over the local community (members and nonmembers) to receive tutorial services in math, science, basic computer skills, reading, health education, and educational exposure through fieldtrips. Students will receive light breakfast and a nutritious lunch daily served by 2 ServSafe Certified staff members in the program. Resource speakers will provide career information and counseling. Volunteer program staff and tutors will be qualified educators and support volunteers. This a structured program with lesson plans, program evaluations, a budget, inclusive of all community children ages 5 years to 17 years of age. All inkind services i.e., electric, heat/air conditioning, facility, transportation, water, computers, office supplies and equipment, internet, and telephone. Parents will be encouraged to volunteer with the children. Program training will be conducted for all volunteers prior to the program. The Program will last for two weeks (July 9 – 20, 2018) from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The day will be extended for field trips (the church will pay all cost for fieldtrips).

Reading Skills
Students will use charts, cards, study sheets, and activities to reinforce their skills in reading. They will have the opportunity to use teamwork to complete assignments such as games, listening drills, and other avenues to promote effective communication.
Math Skills
Students will use worksheets and activities to reinforce their skills in math. The focus will be on the basic reinforcement as it relatesto the State EOGs..
Students will be able to use materials to create their own masterpieces, whether that is a drawing, painting, photography, doing stuffed pillows, or using kits to make jewelry, or other avenues of displaying their creativity.
Computer Skills
Students will learn basic computer skills using Word, Excel,PowerPoint, and Publisher. They will participate in projects and activities using the computer to create cards & flyers, PowerPoint presentations, etc.
Essay Contest
Students will be encouraged to do some outside research and write a one-page essay on a given topic. This is a way of developing self-expression, organizing information, and enhancing writing skills.