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The Indian Woods Missionary Baptist Church is mourning the loss of those who have been instrumental in the growth of our church and our community. They have labored long and hard and their efforts have not gone unnoticed.   The legacy they leave is one of love and support, and a  life well lived so that we could see Jesus in them.  They will forever be missed.

Deacon Fred Henry Cooper

October 16, 1921 ~ November 13, 2017


Trustee Roscoe McClennon

January 15, 1919 ~ May 26, 2018


Mrs. Clara Louis Speller

 Church Mother

1915 ~~ 2019

Deacon Walter Lewis Bond, Sr.

1938 ~~ 2019

(Deacon, Sexton, Keeper of the Lawn)


Deacon John Everett Steed, Sr.

November 3, 1933 ~ June 2, 2020


               Sarah L. Coggins                               Trustee Mary Joyner                            Deacon Margaret Hyman

                 1934 ~ 2024                                          1925 ~ 2024                                             1927  2020


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Deacon Sarah M. Bond

June 4, 1928 ~ August 2017

Chairman of Diaconate Board

Indian Woods Missionary Baptist Church




Deacon Lloyd Cooper, Sr.  

December 30, 1944 ~~February 1, 2015


Deacon Joshua T. Rascoe, Sr.

August 19, 1920 ~~ January 29, 2015

Deacon Hazel Smallwod

July 28 1926  ~ February 22, 2019

Rev. Dr.  Ralph Dixon White

September 3, 1943 ~ August 31, 2017

Pastor, Indian Woods Missionary Baptist Church from

November 1999 ~ June 2012



Jethro Pugh, Jr.

July 3,1944 ~~January 7, 2015

Member & Benefactor

Established an Endowment for the

Jethro Pugh Scholarship Fund

Deacon Moses Leon Speller

April 24, 1941 ~ September 23, 2017

Former Sunday School Superintendent


Deacon Irving Coggins

January 14,1921~~ December 14, 2015

Deacon William Kelly Etheridge

November 12, 1926 ~~ June 3, 2015

Deacon Janie Outlaw Rascoe

June 14, 1926 ~~ March 30, 2012


Deacon Gora Gilliam

June 18, 1926 ~~ December 20, 2014

Deacon Rogers Rascoe

July 20, 1946 ~~ October 11, 2014


Life is too short to waste doing nothing, make everyday count, because we all don't know when we will leave this world. Cherish every moment you have with loved ones and never regret anything in life, because everything happens

for a reason. Look at every day and smile that God has

kept you alive, cause there's nothing sweeter than life.

252 794-9173

Done  2014 by G.N.Outlaw

Indian Woods Missionary Baptist Church

2330 Indian Woods Road

Windsor, North Carolina  27983

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