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The Gospel Oak


As a result of  Hurricane Irene (2011), what once was a majestic structure is now a crumpled soul, sadly uprooted and exposed to the world.  Those huge branches that once hung vicariously across the beginning of Indian Woods Road near the Outlaw House (historically known as Liberty Hall) now lay across the yard taking to its final disposition all the secrets of the meetings of gospel services that gave the tree its name.  


Even though the Gospel Oak no longer stands, the events that occurred there will live on.  While it may be the end of an era, we don’t have to physically see the tree for the stories to be told, read, and written for future generations.  It is our hope, however, that the county will erect some type of marker in that place as a reminder and to seal its place in the written history of Bertie County.


Please note that spriggs from that tree were planted on the church ground and a new Gospel Oak continues to grow.  Let us pray that it will stand tall in the coming years so future generations will learn of its importance.





252 794-9173

Done  2014 by G.N.Outlaw

Indian Woods Missionary Baptist Church

2330 Indian Woods Road

Windsor, North Carolina  27983

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I Know A ManRev. David E. Moore, Jr.
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